Neck Lift Surgery in Central PA

Neck Lift in Harrisburg, PA

Many men and women develop sagging skin under the chin or on the neck as a result of aging, weight loss, sun damage, loss of skin elasticity, or as a result of genetics.  We often hear patients say, “I have my aunt or my father’s neck.” This makes many patients look older than they feel. A neck lift (cervical rhytidectomy) removes excess skin from the neck and re-drapes it to produce a more youthful contour. It may be combined with the removal of localized fat and usually is combined with a facelift.  Sometimes a chin implant can be done simultaneously to improve facial proportions. It can be a real self-esteem booster and can help you look as young as you feel.

Depending on what procedure is required many patients have a neck lift performed as an outpatient under general anesthesia at West Shore Surgery Center in Mechanicsburg, PA.  Other patients may be candidates for an office based procedure under local anesthesia with oral sedation.  If a direct skin excision is done under the chin (a direct excision neck lift) or liposuction alone is performed for neck rejuvenation, patients usually have the procedure in our in-office surgical suite under local anesthesia.

Am I a good candidate for a neck lift?

Most neck lift patients range in age from 45-70. Both men and women commonly complain about the look of their neck. Using Facetime or Skype or taking selfies have made people notice that they have experienced unwanted age-related changes.  Patients must be in good overall health and be a non-smoker. In addition, patients should not have a history of hypertrophic or keloid scars.

What is recovery for neck lifts like?

Men and women should plan to have 7-10  days off work and should expect some pain and bruising in the surgical area. A compression garment may be worn for a short period of time. Full recovery should take about 4-6 weeks. Each patient recovers differently, so Dr. de Ramón will work closely with patients to determine the time for the return to work. Dr. de Ramón has a specially trained medical staff to offer personal care throughout the recovery process. Post-op patients are also given his personal cell phone number to contact him in case of problems or questions.

What is the cost of neck lift surgery in Pennsylvania?

Because there are many different solutions to a rejuvenation of the neck, patients should seek a consult with Dr. de Ramón. In general, liposuction alone to remove fat would cost between $3000-4200. The cost of a full neck lift will be between $7000-8600 as an outpatient, including the physician fees, facility and anesthesia fees.

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