Male Breast Reduction – Gynecomastia Surgery in Central PA

Male Breast Reduction in Central PA

Many men in the Harrisburg, PA, region strive to have a chest that is broad and flat or even muscular. Unfortunately, 50-65% of adolescent men and up to 70% of men aged 50-69 years suffer from feminine-looking breasts, also called gynecomastia. Gynecomastia affects an estimated 40-60% of all men. It may affect only one breast or both. Though certain drugs and medical problems have been linked with male breast overdevelopment, there is no known cause in the vast majority of cases. While changes in lifestyle, including diet and exercise, can help flatten the chest, surgical intervention is frequently needed to achieve the desired contour.

For men who feel self-conscious about their appearance, male breast-reduction surgery can help. The procedure removes fat or glandular tissue (or both) from the breasts and in extreme cases removes excess skin and reduces the size of the nipples, resulting in a chest that is flatter, firmer, better contoured, and more defined.

In most cases, correction of enlarged male breast tissue is performed in our in-office surgical suite at de Ramón Plastic Surgery Institute in Mechanicsburg, PA, under local anesthesia, with oral medication for pain and relaxation. You’ll be awake, but very relaxed. Pain and discomfort are minimal. Patients may be candidates for liposuction or Smartlipo MPX™, the most advanced laser lipolysis system available, or excision of glandular tissue. A combination of methods may be used if necessary. More extensive correction of enlarged male breasts may also be performed under general anesthesia, or in some cases, under local anesthesia plus sedation (twilight anesthesia) at West Shore Surgery Center. Dr. de Ramón will discuss which option is recommended for you and why this is the option of choice during your consultation.

What Is Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia Surgery)?

Male breast reduction (also called gynecomastia surgery) gives men a masculine chest contour through a minimally invasive surgical approach. Dr. de Ramón is a top-rated plastic surgeon who has been performing male breast reduction in Harrisburg, PA, for almost 2 decades, helping men:

  • Remove unwanted glandular breast tissue
  • Enhance the firmness of chest muscles
  • Contour the chest through liposuction to remove excess fat
  • Remove excess skin caused by weight loss
  • Boost self-confidence in social situations and during physical activity

What to Expect During a Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Before patients undergo this surgical procedure, a consultation with Dr. de Ramón will provide detailed answers to any questions. This period is also an opportunity to discuss the desired outcomes and goals. Dr. de Ramón will cover medical history, lifestyle, diet, and other factors that can help patients get optimal results from the surgery.

If the enlarged breasts are due to excess fat, patients may require a liposuction procedure in which a tiny incision is made in a hidden area, and a cannula is inserted to remove the fat. Liposuction can be an effective minimally invasive procedure for male breast reduction.

For those with enlarged glandular tissue, liposuction will be combined with the removal of the excess breast tissue using minimal incisions. Any sagging skin that won’t tighten up on its own will also be removed during the surgery. Dr. de Ramón will take special care to minimize the number and appearance of scars. While results vary, male breast reduction surgery produces a smooth contour that has a genuinely masculine appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Will the Breasts Regrow?

After the surgery, they shouldn’t. But this will depend on how well patients follow the doctor’s instructions. Adequate exercise regularly and avoiding foods that trigger weight gain should help keep breast tissue from regrowing. Avoiding certain medications and marijuana use will also help maintain results.

Can a Patient Undergo This Breast Reduction Using Liposuction Alone?

This technique is an ideal option for patients with pseudo-gynecomastia which looks like gynecomastia but only involves localized fat without glandular development. Dr. de Ramón will look for this during the initial consultation, but most patients have glandular development that cannot be removed by liposuction alone. For severe cases, excision of breast tissue and/or skin may be needed to achieve excellent results.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

A good candidate for gynecomastia surgery is usually 18 or older since young men and adolescents may not be fully developed or may lose excess tissue spontaneously from the chest. In addition, men should be at healthy, stable body weight and have good skin elasticity (recoil). Men who use marijuana or anabolic steroids may see an exacerbation of gynecomastia and should stop the use of these drugs to see if chest fullness diminishes.

What Is the Recovery Like?

Men in the Harrisburg, PA, region find that there is minimal pain after male breast reduction surgery. Most patients return to work after two to three days. To better accommodate these patients, surgery is often performed on Thursday afternoon with a return to non-strenuous work on Monday. A compression garment vest is worn after surgery to assist in the healing process. Some patients may require the placement of a drain at the time of surgery which usually is in for 1-3 days. Patients will also wear a compression vest for up to one month. Dr. de Ramón has a specially trained medical staff to offer personal care throughout the recovery process. Post-op patients are also given their personal cell phone numbers to contact them in case of problems or questions.

What Is the Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery performed in our office consists of physician, garment, and pathology fees. The fee is based on the time required for the procedure and whether liposuction is used. The physician fee for gynecomastia surgery is usually between $6300 and $6800. Should the procedure be performed on an outpatient basis, facility and anesthesia fees may add between $1200 and $1500 for physician fees.

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