Fat Grafting of the Breast in Central PA

Fat Grafting for Breast Augmentation in Harrisburg, PA

The fat transfer technique can add volume to the breasts without implants. Fat transfer, sometimes also called fat grafting, uses fat from other areas of the body to add volume to the breasts. The fatty tissue is extracted using liposuction, processed to remove impurities, and then carefully re-injected into the breasts. The technique is best for patients who want only a modest increase in the size of their breasts. It is also appropriate for patients who have breast asymmetry where one breast is larger than the other.  Some grafted fat is resorbed during the healing process, but the majority of it survives and is permanent. Final breast size is less predictable than breast augmentation with implants.  Weight changes will impact the results.  No incision on the breast is necessary, just several tiny needle punctures.

Am I a candidate for breast fat grafting?

Women in the Harrisburg, PA region who desire a modest increase in breast size or a matching procedure due to breast asymmetry and who want to avoid implants are excellent candidates for fat grafting. A patient must have a localized area of fat from which to harvest such as the abdomen or thighs. In addition, patients must accept that some of the fat will be reabsorbed as part of the healing process making the final breast volume or size less predictable than implants. Patients should also be non-smokers.

What is the recovery process for breast fat grafting like?

Patients who have had fat grafting will experience minor pain and some soreness in the areas from which fat has been harvested. There may also be some breast pain due to injections into the area. Patients are provided with pain medication for their comfort. A compression garment is worn in the area of the liposuction. Most women return to work in 3-7 days and are back to normal activity and exercise in 3-4 weeks. Dr. de Ramón has a specially trained medical staff to offer personal care throughout the recovery process. Post-op patients are also given his personal cell phone number to contact him in case of problems or concerns.

What is the cost for breast fat grafting in PA?

Breast enhancement with fat grafting is performed as an outpatient, so fees include physician, anesthesia, and facility. The cost is also based on time in the operating room. Total breast enhancement with fat grafting fees ranges from $4400-5800.

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