Skin Surgery After Weight Loss

Skin Surgery After Weight Loss in Harrisburg, PA

If you have problems with loose skin or don’t like the disproportionate look of your body after losing a large amount of weight, then a surgical body lift may be a good choice. In general, a body lift for patients in Harrisburg, PA allows Dr. de Ramón to remove excess skin and remaining fat from multiple areas of the body. The results can be dramatic, offering a smoother contour, tighter skin, and the ability wear clothes that fit well. This surgery is very rewarding after patients have worked hard to lose weight and can help enhance your body image and your self-esteem.

The most common areas of excess skin are the face, neck and jowls, the arms, the abdomen and chest/breasts, the buttocks and thighs. By removing the excess skin in these areas, a more normal appearance can be achieved. Many patients have multiple areas of skin which need to be addressed, so surgery is often staged.

Am I a good candidate for skin surgery?

Patients in the Harrisburg area who have excess skin due to weight loss may be a good candidate for surgery if the skin quality is good and patients are in overall good health. Patients should be at or near their goal weight for a period of 3—6 months. In addition, patients should be non-smokers or willing to quit for surgery. In some cases, liposuction or SmartLipo MPX can be added to remove small areas of fat during the skin removal surgery.

What is the recovery like?

Recovery from body contouring surgery after weight loss generally requires 10-14 days off work and avoidance of strenuous activities for 4-6 weeks.  This can vary depending upon the area of surgery. Patients have some discomfort after surgery which can be controlled with an injection of Exparel, a long-acting anesthetic, during surgery and/or controlled with oral pain medication. A compression garment is worn for 4 weeks postoperatively to reduce swelling and provide support. Although recovery can be long, patients find the time is worth the outcome.

Dr. de Ramón has a specially trained medical staff to offer personal care throughout the recovery process. Post-op patients are also given his personal cell phone number to contact him in case of problems or questions.

What is the cost of skin surgery?

Skin surgery costs vary based upon the area being treated. Most of these cases are performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient, so fees would include the facility and anesthesia costs. Insurance companies no longer cover this type of surgery, so fees would be out-of-pocket. As an example, a thigh or hip lift costs between $9000-9900. A breast lift costs between $6600-7000.

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